Friday, May 14, 2010

Depression...a sign before a tragic end a dangerous disease.

It feeds on your soul..slowly you feel the darkness, the hollow...the despair growing inside of you. You feel such an emptiness...sad and sorrow, to such extent if you succumb to it, you may want it to end by taking your life! In some stage of our life, surely we are caught by the disease just like when we caught a flu. Most of the time we managed to overcome this by building our defenses holistically and spiritually.

Unfortunately not all of us could survive this dreadful sickness. Quite a number of us perished and died wastefully by committing suicide or ran amok by hurting others and even murdering innocent people. It is a very tragic and sad tale each time when we see in the in the papers..a person gunned down dozens of people before killing himself/herself..or a teenager commit suicide just because he/she failed in their exam..

Sometimes we could identify these people who are suffering from depression..most of the time, they tend to isolate themselves from the crowd, tend to be alone..sometimes they could hear little voices talking to them..I don't really know..but some of the incidents happened, these people claimed they were instructed to do harm because of these voices telling them to do so. Only the person knows the real deal or may not..since insanity has taken control.

Some people who realized that they are suffering from it, who are still sanely and still in control of themselves would seek help through counseling, getting support from their loved ones, and even better seek assistance through religious approach. In this fast moving world..this kind of disease are getting more and more common. Beware! seek help before it is too late!

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