Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Good friends are hard to find..

There is an old saying "that it is easy to find friends that could share a laughter with you and joined you in your good times...but it is very difficult to find friends that are will to support and share your tears during your difficult moments". To me this is very true indeed. Even till this very day I could count a handful of friends that I think will be there to provide me the moral support or other means of support should I cross the bridge someday..

Anyway, this is a fact of life. We have to come to terms with it, this is how the world works...every man by himself. But those who act differently are the true human amongst the human, and these people are the diamonds from the glasses. To these few people in life...I salute you! I respect you! I wished I could also be like you! I pray for your every success for you & your loved ones..

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