Monday, October 11, 2010

11th Oct..

Alhamdullillah...syukur Allah panjangkan umurku untuk menyambut hari lahir aku yg ke 26..(hehehe tersengaja tersilap typo) la yang ke-36 ( I'm still living in denial). Syukur kerana dikelilingi keluarga tersayang dan sahabat handai..syukur kerana limpah rahmat yang diberikanNya.

For me, nothing is really special about my birthday..more like a reminder that time is short and fast. But the cutest thing that melt my heart was when my children really got excited in preparing the surprise for me..My wife and Fatin teamed up for the surprise gift and etc. LOL..but of course, Fatin as her usual could not contained the excitement...she kept on giving me hints and clues..( although I never asked..) I pretended to be clueless and played along with her. Finally when I saw the surprise...her face beamed up with the biggest smile!. She was so thrilled and satisfied that I finally saw it. Now that's really felt good in is nice to see when our children at very tender age show their appreciation to their loved ones.

It's a good stress buster-theraphy for me too. It reminds me that my life is so blessed..and not taking things for granted..Living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment of it. Thanks Ila, Faris & Fatin for the guys are my most precious are my God-sent gifts!!