Friday, January 21, 2011

12th year anniversary

Do you still recall how we first met?
Back then we used the 'middle agent' instead of internet
You captured my heart
Right from the start
With your sweet, warmth and caring heart.

Sometimes I wonder of the other better guys who were more ahead
Why you accepted me instead
For I am not rich..not tall..not smart..just an average head
But wait! hmmm...maybe my charm magnetized you..for without it you'll get heartache!

I count my blessings and thanks to Allah.
For having my soul partner as perfect and pretty as you.
You are my pillar of strength whenever I crack and break
You give me hope, strength and courage whenever I am in wreck

Twelve years of marriage..still seems like yesterday.
Come Hell or High never forsake nor turn astray
Many times in our journey, the road was never a straight Hi-way
But yet you have always been my faithful co-driver ready to pull my ears whenever I slipped away!

Thank you for being the world's best mama to Faris & Fatin
Thank you for being my best friend, my other half, my wife cum my sleeping partner
Sorry dear! I can't give you a Merc..or a Bungalow like some Datuks..
Just this simple..and (cost free!) poem to wish you Happy 12th year Anniversary!!

23rd Jan 1999