Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's my birthday today!!!


11th October's my birthday today! the 35th to be exact. Wow! talk about age..boy! I feel old all of a sudden. Anyway, it's good to know Luke Perry & Michelle Wie share the same birthday with me..of course nobody cares who the heck I am. Anyway for some, at 35, they have accomplished their dreams, their goals..anything from making the first million $$$, owning a grand big bungalow perhaps?, achieving financial freedom...and etc. These goals are more on the material prespective.

Well, let see at 35, what have I accomplished? how do I compare my self with the others of my age? how do I measure? Do I get a D? C+? B+ or A? I really don't know...infact it's kind of scary to even think about it especially if the person I compare with is far better than me...I would definately feel inferior.

I guess, first of all..I should take a deep breath...and syukur..many2 thanks to Allah for granting me another day to live on this planet. Syukur because I still have a roof over my head ( although it is no Bungalow or some posh condominium) but it's what I called heaven on home sweet home. Syukur because I have the most fantastic!!loving wife ( bodek le ni) who really supports me through thick and thin...syukur because I have my beautiful kids that colours my life..cheer me up during my stressful days. Now, that really put a smack big wide smile on my face..I am so glad and thankful of what I have with me today.

Of course, I won't keep my guard down..or just be happy on my state of other people, we all need to be better day by day..we all have our goals in is painted a perfect picture for us.

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