Thursday, March 15, 2012

My longest hour journey trip : Senandung Wau

10th to 18th of March is the week for the first school year break. Hence my family had planned ahead for the balik kampung journey. It was a one way kind of trip plan whereby I have no say in it! Instead of the norms of which we normally drive to our hometown, this time around they wanted something a bit different. So, we are taking a train ride for once! As far as this rusty mind can recall, the last time I took a train was way back in the late 70s!!! I think I was like 5 years old back then. It was probably a trip from my mom's kampung in Kedah to KL. I think I was sitting on a wooden long bench, sort of.

That was the only vivid memory I had, hence I never really know what to expect. Anyway, we went ahead with the plan ( I got no choice, because I'm the father!). So I bought the tickets for two cabins. Each cabin costs about MYR170. Each cabin is air-conditioned, has one double decker bunk single bed, a walled fan, a chair, a small table, a small sink tap. The sales counter lady told me the journey from the Kajang, Selangor Train Station to Wakaf Baru, Train Station in Kelantan takes approximately 12 hours. Well I thought, heck! this is like the flight I took to Geneva, so more or less I think I can handle this.

We boarded the train about 9pm, as expected the kids were so thrilled and all excited about it. Word of advise, be sure you wait for the train at the furthest or almost at the end of the train station. The reason I said this, is because for cabin rooms, the cabin coach is just right after the locomotive engine head. Since the train carry many coaches, I think more like 20! and it only stop for 1 minute! so if you not careful you might have to sprint your way to your cabin, or else you might miss the train.

I tried to sleep that night throughout the journey, unfortunately each time the train stopped at any train station along its journey, it woke me up, so I don't really get to sleep much. By around 6:30am I woke up and saw the train was moving through a some pockets of jungle, it crossed quite a number of bridges as well. I saw one huge river at one time, I think it's probably Sg Kelantan. By the time we reached Wakaf Baru Train Station, the time was almost 2pm. So apparently it was not 12 hours ride, it was more like 16 hours ride! OMG!! I came out from the train felt like a junkie, my head was really spinning. I was quite drained out. Funny the kids were like on steroids! how on earth they were so energetic!

From the train station, we took a taxi to Bachok. It costs MYR50. At least the taxi or kereta sewa as the Kelantanese called it was very comfortable. A Toyota Crown Classic 2.0 cc with posh leather and cool air-condition. As for me, I would never again go on a train ride like this, don't get me wrong, it is not because of the service or anything else. I just simply can't stand the long hours ride. So long hour train rides is definitely NOT for me!

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