Monday, May 24, 2010

Red Onion : The Bacteria & Virus Super Absorbing Sponge!!


Two weeks ago, a colleague in my office recently was diagnosed with H1N1, and the scary part was, I had a face to face discussion with him a day before that. Of course common-sense I thought, damn I would be next, the next day I took vaccination that cost me about RM75. A word of advice, if any of you plan to take the vaccination please ensure that it covers both Influenza A and H1N1-like strain. The old version of vaccine only covers Influenza A. Thank God, till now I am still free from it.

Well that is the modern approach of combating the virus, there is always a better and natural alternatives. One of them is the Big Red Onion!

A friend of mine said to try out by putting a couple of red onions in my house ( i.e living room, study room) and in the car. The power of the Onion, it absorbs the viruses and bacterias. There is a short tale about it too. In 1919 when the flu killed 40 million people, there is a doctor who visited many farmers to see if he could help them fight the flu. Many farmers and their families have been infected and many died. The doctor was visiting a peasant family, and a surprise, everyone was very healthy. When the doctor asked what makes them different farmer, his wife replied that she had put the red onions that have been peeled in a dish in every room in the house, (maybe only two rooms at the time).

The doctor did not believe it and asked if he could have one of the red onion to see under a microscope. Farmer’s wife gave him one and when he did this, he discovered the flu virus in the red onion. This onion is clear absorb bacteria, therefore, keeping this family stay healthy.

If you search in the internet, you will find many articles related to the benefits of the Red Onions and its cousins! No more complaints of its pungent smell and our watery eyes each time peeling them, the benefits are tremendous!! let's all try it!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


You know..if the one thing I could wish for in my is probably I would wished that time would stood still during my childhood years.. God! everything was so easy back was sooo simple and happy. I would never had a care in the was just and play again..then eat..oh yeah the only part I hate was going to bed, it was only because I had to stop playing!

Yes I know, it is only a wishful thinking, it is unlogical..unethical maybe to some! but sometimes when things got so complicated, we! I tend to sneak for a little moment, dreaming of something nice back to my childhood days again..ohhh that would ease my mind...sigh. Opss hello!!! wake up!!! back to reality! this is a cruel world..stay focus..stay alert..get that low life spirit of yours up and running again, and for god's sake please try to stay alive at least until your kids get to be independent. Yup that's my alarm clock in my head..each time I suddenly dozed off again.

During my childhood time, I was so hurry wanted to grow up..always pretending acting as a grown up person. I always thought that being a grown adult was so cool..why is it so?, well for one, you are taller, much taller, you are smarter, you have freedom! you could shave every morning ( haha!!) you get to drive a real car! and you have money!!!. Boy! I was so darn wrong hah!

One of the most important thing that as a kid that we never had in our vocabulary was the word "responsibility"..heck what is that! it is too complicated for a child to understand. Even some adults still having problem to comprehend this..that is why there are so many chaos in our society. officially I am an adult, being an adult for the last how many years?..hmmm I lost count...nevermind, well let's go back to my checklist when I was 10 years old energetic, hyperactive! little Dennis the Menace!

1) Taller - yes! but..tough luck only just a little taller - I'm the hobbit type..bummer!

2) Smarter - well I think sometimes I am smart..but most of the time just stupid..

3) Freedom - temporary only..then I got married hehehe...well that's another story :P

4) Shave - more joy! it is routine job now. no wonder the Gillette boys are so rich..its never stops!!!

5) Real car - ahh yes..but damn I'm two months due..argghh when was the last time I serviced my car!

6) Money - It is never enough..flows out like the water, when will I find a DAM?? like The Three Gorges Dam..sigh..certainly not in this working life.

.....and the list goes on..

An adult can go crazy..if he or she doesn't understand the word responsibility..and this word is not a one time off, when you understand it..that's it you will practise it and remember it for life..hell no!! the word is so easy for us to be forgotten!..It has to be reminded all the time..well I don't know about you guys..maybe you all the smart I am just stupid and dumb so I have to remind myself..or most of the time my wife and kids have to remind me.

I have a life, it is no silver spoon but it is my life..with my beloved family. Thank God! I am still sane, for now and committed to be a responsible person and hope to be that way till the day I die.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Depression...a sign before a tragic end a dangerous disease.

It feeds on your soul..slowly you feel the darkness, the hollow...the despair growing inside of you. You feel such an emptiness...sad and sorrow, to such extent if you succumb to it, you may want it to end by taking your life! In some stage of our life, surely we are caught by the disease just like when we caught a flu. Most of the time we managed to overcome this by building our defenses holistically and spiritually.

Unfortunately not all of us could survive this dreadful sickness. Quite a number of us perished and died wastefully by committing suicide or ran amok by hurting others and even murdering innocent people. It is a very tragic and sad tale each time when we see in the in the papers..a person gunned down dozens of people before killing himself/herself..or a teenager commit suicide just because he/she failed in their exam..

Sometimes we could identify these people who are suffering from depression..most of the time, they tend to isolate themselves from the crowd, tend to be alone..sometimes they could hear little voices talking to them..I don't really know..but some of the incidents happened, these people claimed they were instructed to do harm because of these voices telling them to do so. Only the person knows the real deal or may not..since insanity has taken control.

Some people who realized that they are suffering from it, who are still sanely and still in control of themselves would seek help through counseling, getting support from their loved ones, and even better seek assistance through religious approach. In this fast moving world..this kind of disease are getting more and more common. Beware! seek help before it is too late!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Mother's Day- 10th May 2010

Dear readers...

Yup is mother's day again..

Yes we all know that it is not only on May 10th we show our appreciation to our should be all the time..but let us make an extra special on that day. "Syurga dibawah telapak kaki Ibu"..I remember when I was a kid, I used to ask my it true Mak? there's a heaven underneath your feet? hahaha...yes kids will only think straight and can't understand yet between the lines.

To my mother Habibah Marzuki..all my love for you. You are the best mom a son could ever had. I am sorry for not being there for you most of the time..made you cried a lot of times ( still do? )..made you worry like a million times!!!..but yet you never ever give up on are always there for are my pillar of are my everything..

I am thankful..that I still have a mother to see and to hold. I feel sorry for my wife who had lost her mother Allahyarham Nik Khairiah(cik), I know I could never understand how it is like to lose your love ones..It is almost 11 years now since Cik had passed away. May Allah blessed her soul..Al-fatihah.

To my wife..a mother of my two lovely kids..thank you for your ever lasting love for us..thanks for being a great mama showering us with your love and affection to our kids..we love you very much dear!!( it the catch hehehe)