Sunday, May 23, 2010


You know..if the one thing I could wish for in my is probably I would wished that time would stood still during my childhood years.. God! everything was so easy back was sooo simple and happy. I would never had a care in the was just and play again..then eat..oh yeah the only part I hate was going to bed, it was only because I had to stop playing!

Yes I know, it is only a wishful thinking, it is unlogical..unethical maybe to some! but sometimes when things got so complicated, we! I tend to sneak for a little moment, dreaming of something nice back to my childhood days again..ohhh that would ease my mind...sigh. Opss hello!!! wake up!!! back to reality! this is a cruel world..stay focus..stay alert..get that low life spirit of yours up and running again, and for god's sake please try to stay alive at least until your kids get to be independent. Yup that's my alarm clock in my head..each time I suddenly dozed off again.

During my childhood time, I was so hurry wanted to grow up..always pretending acting as a grown up person. I always thought that being a grown adult was so cool..why is it so?, well for one, you are taller, much taller, you are smarter, you have freedom! you could shave every morning ( haha!!) you get to drive a real car! and you have money!!!. Boy! I was so darn wrong hah!

One of the most important thing that as a kid that we never had in our vocabulary was the word "responsibility"..heck what is that! it is too complicated for a child to understand. Even some adults still having problem to comprehend this..that is why there are so many chaos in our society. officially I am an adult, being an adult for the last how many years?..hmmm I lost count...nevermind, well let's go back to my checklist when I was 10 years old energetic, hyperactive! little Dennis the Menace!

1) Taller - yes! but..tough luck only just a little taller - I'm the hobbit type..bummer!

2) Smarter - well I think sometimes I am smart..but most of the time just stupid..

3) Freedom - temporary only..then I got married hehehe...well that's another story :P

4) Shave - more joy! it is routine job now. no wonder the Gillette boys are so rich..its never stops!!!

5) Real car - ahh yes..but damn I'm two months due..argghh when was the last time I serviced my car!

6) Money - It is never enough..flows out like the water, when will I find a DAM?? like The Three Gorges Dam..sigh..certainly not in this working life.

.....and the list goes on..

An adult can go crazy..if he or she doesn't understand the word responsibility..and this word is not a one time off, when you understand it..that's it you will practise it and remember it for life..hell no!! the word is so easy for us to be forgotten!..It has to be reminded all the time..well I don't know about you guys..maybe you all the smart I am just stupid and dumb so I have to remind myself..or most of the time my wife and kids have to remind me.

I have a life, it is no silver spoon but it is my life..with my beloved family. Thank God! I am still sane, for now and committed to be a responsible person and hope to be that way till the day I die.

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