Wednesday, September 29, 2010


A few of months ago, we have decided to have another baby after Faris & Fatin. Our youngest is now 7 years old. Rasa macam a newly-wed couple pulak, starting a family! lol..well 7 years its definately a very long gap you know! . Felt like I got Amnesia pun ada.." Omigosh! I forgotten how to change a diaper, or how to burp a baby"...Wow! yes it is that long..and I started to realized that I am getting older and my life is getting shorter.

Well after some time, we thought finally we hit the jackpot, finally, after 7 long years of break in service, the baby factory is now back on business and finally i can call myself..I'm da man!!(again). Anyway the call was short-lived, maybe it is not our time yet, bukan rezeki lagi.

My wife had a miscarriage, and on the 28th Sep 2010, the doctor performed the Dilation and Curettage (D&C)Procedure. I felt real bad and I know my wife too felt even more devastated, we truly yearn to have another baby, but it is probably not our time yet.

I guess we have to be more patience, and try again..with lots of preparation ( prayers, vitamins & etc) well since age is catching up, I guess fertile is not very common around late 30s?? hehehe just kidding!

My prayers, may Allah grant us another child, a healthy and perfect baby someday. Amin. ( oh yes.. and make it as cute as me ( if it's a boy ) and as pretty as my wife (if it's a girl ) :P


  1. Banyak2 bersabar...fique...Will make doa for you and family...

  2. Thanks Bro, really appreciate it.
