Monday, May 7, 2012

My Diet Revolution : my belly, my own way la..

Today is the first day of my own version of Diet Revolution! My simple diet plan is a) Eat more greens b) Eat more fruits c) Eat more fish (boy! this is a tough one) d) Eat less rice e) Eat less oily food/fried food/spicy food (even more tough) f) Eat less ice cream (so unfair!) g) Drink more plain water h) Avoid soft drinks/milk shakes i) Eat more fibre foods like cereal/high fibre bread j) To add further, but subject upon a) to i) are consistent This morning, I had breakfast, of which consists of freshly cut of Taro Shrimp Fritters (Cucur Udang) served with sweet chili sauce and mineral water.
It tasted very nice indeed. As for lunch, I had salads, viands (ulam), mixed fried beansprouts with carrots and a scoop of fried spicy cut potatoes, and then washed down with a glass of warm lime tea.
Prior to that, a quirky thing happened at the cashier counter in our cafeteria, the cashier asked me, where is the rice? I said I didn’t take, she gave me a peculiar look, I think she thought I might have hidden the rice under the salads hahaha!
Anyway, it certainly tasted quite bitter when I consumed it with just the greenish stuff, but then when I mixed with the fried potatoes..ahh!, it tasted so much nicer. This is the first time I ate my lunch differently, certainly no regrets there! I hope, I will be able to maintain the momentum and the consistency. Most important, I hope I have enough strength to avoid the temptation. Well, I got to start somewhere right? So I better start it off today, after so many years of intoxicating this body with so much garbage! On the same agenda, I hope I would be able to start with some light exercises, anything just to get the sweats out. Hopefully in a couple of months or so I would shed some pounds and my belly would tone down from a 6 months pregnant woman to a 4 months pregnant woman. Bonne continuation!! Bon courage!

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