Friday, June 8, 2012

Happy Mother's day & Happy 72nd Birthday Mak!!

13th May 2012 is Mother's Day, and 25th May 2012 is my mom's birthday, her 72nd!!.  My mom had gone through a lot in caring for us, and I am sure she is proud of all her children have become today,  I know there is no way we could repay her for all the sacrifices she did in raising us, but we should remind ourselves to show our appreciation to our mother and prayers for her well-being.

I wished I could do more for her in making her life more comfortable and happier. I know buying a cheapo cake definitely would  make the cut, hope she finance stat is not pretty good these few years hihihi...  My prayers may my mom will always be happy and in a serene mood as always.  Thanks Mak for being there for us..and always support and love us through tick and thin..I know in the past, I'm such a "basket" and hurt your feelings a lot..yep! I know a LOTTT of times..forgive me, I'm truly sorry. All my love and prayers for you Mak.  

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