Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mat rempit aka Samseng Jalanan

On May 19th 2009, with immediate effect Mat rempit is now called Samseng Jalanan. Samseng Jalanan or in the english version Tugs on Wheels (TOW) is tought to be an aggresive step by the government to label this menace and to take a serious approach in apprending this social ill of which without doubt is becoming of a grave threat to the public and nation as a whole. The Police came out with this name as to identify this TOW as means to propose better punishments/penalties that in hope to curb down this social ill epidemic. We all know the TOWs, are well associated with snatch theft, wayside robberries, rape, theft and gang attack on people. Some of these victims even succumb to death. The public are in fear of even hearing their names and the sound of these ramping bikes send shivers to the people.

My personal opinion, by labelling them would not make any different..I think they pretty much like the whole nation attention on them. These TOWs, I rather called them Terror on Wheels are mostly short minded/narrow minded people whose enjoys life and have no care of what their action would affect the people around them. All they care is they will have what the want, be it legally or better yet illegally ( this really turns their ardenalins on). If we look at it closely, the majority of them are:

1) The Malays( ohh.. how come I'm not surprise??),

2) The age group between 15 to 35 ( live life like barbarians ..and die young, go to hell forever)

3) Single ( yeah but 'married'-at least when they do die no baggages left..or maybe some abandon babies/sometime dead babies from their ever willing stupid female companions)

4) Blue collars workers/lower income earners
5) Low education
6) Low to Mid income family background
7) Lack spiritual religion knowledge and practise

Well lets observe something here...we know that the Police & the government are doing its best to curb this threat..but unfortunately it is not fact it is getting worse. What else can we do...what are other best approach we can 'help this zombies' so that they will become an asset to the country instead of being the trash of the country. I am sure, the government are working closely with the expert of psychology department and other means of sources to find the better/effective options to curb the problem.

I also would like to share my 2 cents opinions to the options as well:

1) Label them as public enemy, so that we are all ( the public) can legally can kill them..yes fight fire with fire...muahahahha. ( No sorry I was just kidding) Please scarp this point.

1) Education - educate our children of the danger being a TOWs

2) Create awarness - among our teenagers via campaign etc

3) Instills religious values, in our education from primary level and up to tertiary level. ( please people who have the authority!!! do not shut your eyes on this, this is the key to save our most valuable assets - our young generation who will inherit this nation)

4) Stop all the TV programmes ( especially reality TV shows/concerts/entertainment that are immoral and time wasting.
5) Jail term for TOWs ( the longer the better)
6) Death terms for those who rape & murder their victim
7) Revoke their motor license - let them just ride bicycles!!
8) Put them on counselling & religious guidance until they finally cured!!

Well I is going to be a very very long road before we could to see any improvement, though I do notice some mat rempit..opsss I mean TOWs finally 'wake up' from their self-made mess, when they reach a certain age, normally in their 30++. Maybe they realized, that there is more to life than riding the terror to others, unfortunately not many have the self-conscious.

But end of the day, we cannot give up on them, they are part of the society, well they drifted and very very far actually, but nevertheless its our resposibility to help them and bring them back to 'life' and contribute and serve our beloved nation and to become the proud generation of Malaysia.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Steps to avoid H1N1 Virus


Do not turn on A/C immediately as soon as you enter the car!
Please open the windows after you enter your car and do not turn ON the
air-conditioning immediately. According to a research done, the car dashboard,
sofa, air freshener emits Benzene, a Cancer causing toxin (carcinogen- take note
of the heated plastic smell in your car). In addition to causing cancer, it poisons
your bones, causes anemia, and reduces white blood cells. Prolonged exposure
will cause Leukemia, increasing the risk of cancer may also cause miscarriage.
Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50 mg per sq. ft. A car parked indoors with
the windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene. If parked outdoors
under the sun at a temperature above 60 degrees F, the Benzene level goes up
to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level... & the people inside the car will
inevitably inhale an excess amount of the toxins.
It is recommended that you open the windows and door to give time for
the interior to air out before you enter. Benzene is a toxin that affects your
kidney and liver, and is very difficult for your body to expel this toxic stuff

Second Influenza A (H1N1) virus case in Malaysia

PUTRAJAYA: A second Malaysian has been confirmed with the Influenza A (H1N1) virus at the Penang Hospital, said Health Ministry deputy director-general Datuk Dr Ramlee Rahmat.
Dr Ramlee said the patient, a female student in the United States, was admitted after she sought treatment for fever at the Penang Hospital on Friday evening and it was found that she had been travelling on the same flight as the first patient.
As in the first case, she too only developed a fever after returning home and the results of medical test by the Medical Research Institute yesterday morning confirmed she had the influenza, he said.
He said she was one of 16 suspected A(H1N1) patients warded at various hospital around the country as at yesterday evening but 12 others had been tested negative while the remainder three were still waiting for results.
The other suspected patients, he said, were warded at the Sungai Buloh Hospital (9), Tengku Fauziah Hospital in Perlis (2), Malacca Hospital (2), Penang Hospital (1) and Sultan Aminah Hospital in Johor (1).
Dr Ramlee said the latest patient was part of a group of four friends, including the 21-year-old confirmed with the virus at the Sungai Buloh Hospital on Friday, who had travelled on the MH 091 flight from Newark, United States and arrived at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) on Wednesday morning.
The two other friends and the family members of the female student, he said, had been placed under quarantine at home but none showed signs of the symptoms linked to the H1N1

Monday, May 11, 2009

The world's longest-serving physicians and educators

At the age of 97 years and 4 months, Shigeaki Hinohara is one of the world's longest-serving physicians and educators. Hinohara's magic touch is legendary: Since 1941 he has been healing patients at St. Luke's International Hospital in Tokyo and teaching at St. Luke's College of Nursing . After World War II, he envisioned a world-class hospital and college springing from the ruins of Tokyo ; thanks to his pioneering spirit and business savvy, the doctor turned these institutions into the nation's top medical facility and nursing school. Today he serves as chairman of the board of trustees at both organizations. Always willing to try new things, he has published around 150 books since his 75th birthday, including one "Living Long, Living Good" that has sold more than 1.2 million copies. As the founder of the New Elderly Movement, Hinohara encourages others to live a long and happy life, a quest in which no role model is better than the doctor himself.

Doctor Shigeaki Hinohara JUDIT KAWAGUCHIPHOTO

Energy comes from feeling good, not from eating well or sleeping a lot.
We all remember how as children, when we were having fun, we often forgot to eat or sleep.
I believe that we can keep that attitude as adults, too. It's best not to tire the body with too many rules such as lunchtime and bedtime.
All people who live long regardless of nationality, race or gender share one thing in common:
None are overweight

For breakfast I drink coffee, a glass of milk and some orange juice with a tablespoon of olive oil in it. Olive oil is great for the arteries and keeps my skin healthy. Lunch is milk and a few cookies, or nothing. When I am too busy to eat. I never get hungry because I focus on my work.. Dinner is veggies, a bit of fish and rice, and, twice a week, 100 grams of lean meat....
Always plan ahead.
My schedule book is already full until 2014, with lectures and my usual hospital work.
In 2016 I'll have some fun, though: I plan to attend the Tokyo Olympics!
There is no need to ever retire, but if one must, it should be a lot later than 65.
The current retirement age was set at 65 half a century ago, when the average life-expectancy in Japan was 68 years and only 125 Japanese were over 100 years old. Today, Japanese women live to be around 86 and men 80, and we have 36,000 centenarians in our country. In 20 years we will have about 50,000 people over the age of 100...
Share what you know.
I give 150 lectures a year, some for 100 elementary-school children, others for 4,500 business people. I usually speak for 60 to 90 minutes, standing, to stay strong. When a doctor recommends you take a test or have some surgery, ask whether the doctor would suggest
that his or her spouse or children go through such a procedure. Contrary to popular belief, doctors can't cure everyone. So why cause unnecessary pain with surgery I
think music and animal therapy can help more than most doctors imagine.
To stay healthy, always take the stairs and carry your own stuff.
I take two stairs at a time, to get my muscles moving. My inspiration is Robert Browning's poem "Abt Vogler." My father used to read it to me. It encourages us to make big art, not small scribbles. It says to try to draw a circle so huge that there is no way we can finish it while we are alive. All we see is an arch; the rest is beyond our vision but it is there in the distance.
Pain is mysterious, and having fun is the best way to forget it.
If a child has a toothache, and you start playing a game together, he or she immediately forgets the pain. Hospitals must cater to the basic need of patients: We all want to have fun. At St. Luke's we have music and animal therapies, and art classes.
Don't be crazy about amassing material things.
Remember: You don't know when your number is up, and you can't take it with you to the next place. Hospitals must be designed and prepared for major disasters, and they must accept every patient who appears at their doors.
We designed St. Luke's so we can operate anywhere: in the basement, in the corridors, in the chapel. Most people thought I was crazy to prepare for a catastrophe, but on March 20, 1995, I was unfortunately proven right when members of the Aum Shinrikyu religious cult launched a terrorist attack in the Tokyo subway. We accepted 740 victims and in two hours figured out that it was sarin gas that had hit them. Sadly we lost one person, but we
saved 739 lives.
Science alone can't cure or help people.
Science lumps us all together, but illness is individual. Each person is unique, and diseases are connected to their hearts. To know the illness and help people, we need liberal and visual arts, not just medical ones.
Life is filled with incidents.
On March 31, 1970, when I was 59 years old, I boarded the Yodogo, a flight from Tokyo to Fukuoka . It was a beautiful sunny morning, and as Mount Fuji came into sight, the plane was hijacked by the Japanese Communist League-Red Army Faction. I spent the next four days handcuffed to my seat in 40-degree heat. As a doctor, I looked at it all as an experiment and was amazed at how the body slowed down in a crisis.
Find a role model and aim to achieve even more than they could ever do.
My father went to the United States in 1900 to study at DukeUniversity in North Carolina . He was a pioneer and one of my heroes. Later I found a few more life guides, and when I am stuck, I ask myself how they would deal with the problem.
It's wonderful to live long.
Until one is 60 years old, it is easy to work for one's family and to achieve one's goals. But in our later years, we should strive to contribute to society. Since the age of 65, I have worked as a volunteer. I still put in 18 hours seven days a week and love every minute of it.

Happy Mother's Day 10th May 2009

To the three greatest mothers in my life Mak , Arwah Cik & Mama (my wife),
Thanks for your never ending love and affection, your advice and guidance.
I am sorry for being such a pain to you many..many..manyyyy times. I know I hurt your feelings like a trillion times. Sometimes I wished I could turn back the clock again and make good of the bad things I have done.
Thank you for the patience...the warmth are all truly the most wonderful mothers in the world and that means a LOT to me.

Hot Spell in Malaysia

Temperatures have been rising all over the country, with Klang Valley (Subang) recording 35.6°C last Friday. Outside the Klang Valley , Pahang, experienced the hottest temperature last Thursday at 36.2°C. The Meteorological Department said the hot and generally dry spell was expected to persist until September. Department chief assistant director (central forecast office) Ahmad Zaki Mohamad Saad said the weather pattern was a usual phenomenon in the country. He said that April and May were the hottest months according to climatology studies. The maximum temperature is expected to range from 30.7°C to 34.1°C.

A life's reminder is always evolving, life is always on the go and is always changing...we plan for our life ahead. Sure we do, sometimes the plan worked as what we anticipated, sometimes it worked beyond expectation (bravo to that!)and yet, sometimes it failed misreably. In this journey of life..we can't deny the fact that we as a human have impact on others, people arounds us, people close to us. It works vice versa.
Some people managed so well in maintaining this delicate balance. Some people struggles and in the end, some of them succeeded, some of them did not. However to me life is not about how bad you fail in life...or how many times you stumble and fall... It is about, how strong you must have the will to stand again..and again..each time you have taken the fall. No matter how bad you hit the ground, you must have the inner strength within you to rise from the fall.
Normally this kind of people will gained a more stronger mind set..more determined..more 'firepower'..more and more positive energy...However not all people have the inner strength that pronto into action each time you hit the gloomy clouds. Some people need to search for his/her inner strength and inner soul to find the strength that have been pressed into hibernation due to despression, low self-esteem, lack of motivation anything that generates the negative vibes will certainly contributed to this situation.
I guess this kind of people, need other people in his/her circle of friends/families to ignite his/her inner strength. Of course, we have to be able to judge what is best for us, because the people that talk to you either may encourage you or discourage you. This is not easy considering if you are in a very very despressing mood-emotional feelings can blur your sense of judgement.
To me the best source for you to look for your inner strength, is by the grace of ALLAH. When we are lost in our journey in life...( we tend to get lost all the time, it's normal we are human), we need to check ourselves. When was the last time I prayed? when was the last time I recited/read the Quran? InsyaAllah, God will show us the way for us to return to the right track.
By writting this..I am reminding myself...again and again...when I am lost, I need to look for the road signs again. Readers, please don't get me wrong here. It is not each time we are lost, then only we look for our tikar sembahyang. We must maintain our relationship with ALLAH all the time.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My first block of the blog...

I am in to this by accidental...I owed it to my wife ( thanks ila). She knows I love to write and talk a lot ( depends of my mood). Writting to my point of view...must come from within the person, the person must sincere in what he/she wishes to share with the readers, the writer must be knowledgeable, responsible, ethical and truthful, and do not forget...the writer must also be passionate!!

Therefore a message, an article or a news of information to be protrayed must be educational, beneficial, accurate, simple (if possible), understandable, inspirational, motivational and beautifully arranged so that the readers would be glued reading it from beginning till the end. What is even more overwhelming feeling to the writer, if the writer's material has contibuted to the betterment of the people's life and surroundings. Ohhh isn't it just beautiful?

Fique..10th May 2009