Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mat rempit aka Samseng Jalanan

On May 19th 2009, with immediate effect Mat rempit is now called Samseng Jalanan. Samseng Jalanan or in the english version Tugs on Wheels (TOW) is tought to be an aggresive step by the government to label this menace and to take a serious approach in apprending this social ill of which without doubt is becoming of a grave threat to the public and nation as a whole. The Police came out with this name as to identify this TOW as means to propose better punishments/penalties that in hope to curb down this social ill epidemic. We all know the TOWs, are well associated with snatch theft, wayside robberries, rape, theft and gang attack on people. Some of these victims even succumb to death. The public are in fear of even hearing their names and the sound of these ramping bikes send shivers to the people.

My personal opinion, by labelling them would not make any different..I think they pretty much like the whole nation attention on them. These TOWs, I rather called them Terror on Wheels are mostly short minded/narrow minded people whose enjoys life and have no care of what their action would affect the people around them. All they care is they will have what the want, be it legally or better yet illegally ( this really turns their ardenalins on). If we look at it closely, the majority of them are:

1) The Malays( ohh.. how come I'm not surprise??),

2) The age group between 15 to 35 ( live life like barbarians ..and die young, go to hell forever)

3) Single ( yeah but 'married'-at least when they do die no baggages left..or maybe some abandon babies/sometime dead babies from their ever willing stupid female companions)

4) Blue collars workers/lower income earners
5) Low education
6) Low to Mid income family background
7) Lack spiritual religion knowledge and practise

Well lets observe something here...we know that the Police & the government are doing its best to curb this threat..but unfortunately it is not fact it is getting worse. What else can we do...what are other best approach we can 'help this zombies' so that they will become an asset to the country instead of being the trash of the country. I am sure, the government are working closely with the expert of psychology department and other means of sources to find the better/effective options to curb the problem.

I also would like to share my 2 cents opinions to the options as well:

1) Label them as public enemy, so that we are all ( the public) can legally can kill them..yes fight fire with fire...muahahahha. ( No sorry I was just kidding) Please scarp this point.

1) Education - educate our children of the danger being a TOWs

2) Create awarness - among our teenagers via campaign etc

3) Instills religious values, in our education from primary level and up to tertiary level. ( please people who have the authority!!! do not shut your eyes on this, this is the key to save our most valuable assets - our young generation who will inherit this nation)

4) Stop all the TV programmes ( especially reality TV shows/concerts/entertainment that are immoral and time wasting.
5) Jail term for TOWs ( the longer the better)
6) Death terms for those who rape & murder their victim
7) Revoke their motor license - let them just ride bicycles!!
8) Put them on counselling & religious guidance until they finally cured!!

Well I is going to be a very very long road before we could to see any improvement, though I do notice some mat rempit..opsss I mean TOWs finally 'wake up' from their self-made mess, when they reach a certain age, normally in their 30++. Maybe they realized, that there is more to life than riding the terror to others, unfortunately not many have the self-conscious.

But end of the day, we cannot give up on them, they are part of the society, well they drifted and very very far actually, but nevertheless its our resposibility to help them and bring them back to 'life' and contribute and serve our beloved nation and to become the proud generation of Malaysia.

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