Monday, May 11, 2009

A life's reminder is always evolving, life is always on the go and is always changing...we plan for our life ahead. Sure we do, sometimes the plan worked as what we anticipated, sometimes it worked beyond expectation (bravo to that!)and yet, sometimes it failed misreably. In this journey of life..we can't deny the fact that we as a human have impact on others, people arounds us, people close to us. It works vice versa.
Some people managed so well in maintaining this delicate balance. Some people struggles and in the end, some of them succeeded, some of them did not. However to me life is not about how bad you fail in life...or how many times you stumble and fall... It is about, how strong you must have the will to stand again..and again..each time you have taken the fall. No matter how bad you hit the ground, you must have the inner strength within you to rise from the fall.
Normally this kind of people will gained a more stronger mind set..more determined..more 'firepower'..more and more positive energy...However not all people have the inner strength that pronto into action each time you hit the gloomy clouds. Some people need to search for his/her inner strength and inner soul to find the strength that have been pressed into hibernation due to despression, low self-esteem, lack of motivation anything that generates the negative vibes will certainly contributed to this situation.
I guess this kind of people, need other people in his/her circle of friends/families to ignite his/her inner strength. Of course, we have to be able to judge what is best for us, because the people that talk to you either may encourage you or discourage you. This is not easy considering if you are in a very very despressing mood-emotional feelings can blur your sense of judgement.
To me the best source for you to look for your inner strength, is by the grace of ALLAH. When we are lost in our journey in life...( we tend to get lost all the time, it's normal we are human), we need to check ourselves. When was the last time I prayed? when was the last time I recited/read the Quran? InsyaAllah, God will show us the way for us to return to the right track.
By writting this..I am reminding myself...again and again...when I am lost, I need to look for the road signs again. Readers, please don't get me wrong here. It is not each time we are lost, then only we look for our tikar sembahyang. We must maintain our relationship with ALLAH all the time.

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