Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I'm not a superman, just a man..

Do you ever come to a situation so aggravating and inflammable like bunch of acid maggots eating your brain away with all of the problems burden on your back and demanded your utmost attention and demanded them to be solved on urgent basis!

It is by nature we try to solve the problems as soon as we can and blow them away like superman does it. But then we come to terms and realized that there is no such thing as Mr. Superman, then you feel so despair, depress, so dry and succumb to the whole situation that it turns you into a lifeless being, more like a zombie where you do not have any emotions no feelings..you life turns astray and feels so hollow!

I think when we ride into these dreadful storms, it is important to stay conscious ( though it is easier said than done ) and to stay focus of our purposes in life and our objectives that we have set in our life. Then come what may, we should be able to steer our ship to the projected destination. Though to achieve this, we need the right qualities, such as a very strong mind, planning, perseverance, calmness, courage, patience, bold and a lot of prayers!

We may not succeed, we may sink our ships, but most of the time, if we practice the elements mentioned, thus we shall prevail. We are human! we are meant to be the ultimate machine! we are Khalifah on earth! we are made not to fail not to suffer but to succeed and to triumph! Forgetfulness will always be a part in us human, hence we need to constantly remind ourselves of our purpose in life then we are able to retrack our path when we stray too far.

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