Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011..Welcome 2012

While I'm blogging is now 8:30pm. 2011 still seems fresh, then suddenly we are moving towards the end of this year. It is normal to feel this way as we live in a fast pace world. Everything around us progress so rapidly, hence nobody wants to miss 'the train'. Well certainly 2011 was a colourful experience for me. My most memorable ones would be changing to a new job after 4 years in the previous agency. There are certainly painful memories as well, and sometimes these regrets carry on for years, but I have choose not to dwell in the crying river.

Everything surrounds us should be taken positively but not lightly, hence if it's bad, think of it as an opportunity to challenge ourselves to become better and learn from it. I hope by years on, I become wiser and hope to be a contributor then a receiver. I am thankful that what I have with me now, a happy family in a small home with a few extended family (our cats). I'm good! I am in peace! I hope Allah will always bless my little family. May 2012 be a great year and exciting future awaits us. Amin.

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