Saturday, July 31, 2010

My daugther's birthday

Today is my little girl's birthday. Last night, we bought a small cake for her. We had our small celebration this morning, each of us gave her gifts. She was delighted. It is nice to see the joy and happiness in our children eyes. Of course, my son Faris was happy and chirpy as his usual, and he got a little extra excited when he got the chance to blow of the candles on the cake too.

Alhamdullillah syukur nikmat Allah atas amanah anak-anak yang diberikan pada hambaNya. My prayers.. always for the well being of Fatin & Faris. Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan mereka, menjadi manusia yang beriman, sabar, cekal dan kuat, menjadi anak-anak soleh & solihah dan boleh berdikari. Amin.

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