Monday, January 23, 2012

13th Wedding Anniversary


Today, 23rd Jan is our 13th Anniversary. Celebration is pretty simple. A little getaway from our home to urban city. We can't have a romantic dinner though, because we don't have a maid anymore, hence the kids joined us in our dinner.

I would really wish I could give her something expensive like a humongous diamond ring..or a key to a bungalow..or a key to a 'lady's car'. Sadly I'm not financially equipped at this moment..come to think of even in any moment!

Anyway, still my heart ponders..if only for once I could done it. But I think most importantly I am thankful, syukuran jazillan!! merci beaucoup !! garcias!! to Allah for making this moment, for the arrangement of me and my wife and our two perfect children. I am very much blessed and happy.

My prayers, may my family will always be happy, maintain our faith and prayers and always practice our Islamic way of life. Always need to remind ourselves, we follow our objectives in life with the support of our needs in life.

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