Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011..Welcome 2012

While I'm blogging is now 8:30pm. 2011 still seems fresh, then suddenly we are moving towards the end of this year. It is normal to feel this way as we live in a fast pace world. Everything around us progress so rapidly, hence nobody wants to miss 'the train'. Well certainly 2011 was a colourful experience for me. My most memorable ones would be changing to a new job after 4 years in the previous agency. There are certainly painful memories as well, and sometimes these regrets carry on for years, but I have choose not to dwell in the crying river.

Everything surrounds us should be taken positively but not lightly, hence if it's bad, think of it as an opportunity to challenge ourselves to become better and learn from it. I hope by years on, I become wiser and hope to be a contributor then a receiver. I am thankful that what I have with me now, a happy family in a small home with a few extended family (our cats). I'm good! I am in peace! I hope Allah will always bless my little family. May 2012 be a great year and exciting future awaits us. Amin.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I'm not a superman, just a man..

Do you ever come to a situation so aggravating and inflammable like bunch of acid maggots eating your brain away with all of the problems burden on your back and demanded your utmost attention and demanded them to be solved on urgent basis!

It is by nature we try to solve the problems as soon as we can and blow them away like superman does it. But then we come to terms and realized that there is no such thing as Mr. Superman, then you feel so despair, depress, so dry and succumb to the whole situation that it turns you into a lifeless being, more like a zombie where you do not have any emotions no life turns astray and feels so hollow!

I think when we ride into these dreadful storms, it is important to stay conscious ( though it is easier said than done ) and to stay focus of our purposes in life and our objectives that we have set in our life. Then come what may, we should be able to steer our ship to the projected destination. Though to achieve this, we need the right qualities, such as a very strong mind, planning, perseverance, calmness, courage, patience, bold and a lot of prayers!

We may not succeed, we may sink our ships, but most of the time, if we practice the elements mentioned, thus we shall prevail. We are human! we are meant to be the ultimate machine! we are Khalifah on earth! we are made not to fail not to suffer but to succeed and to triumph! Forgetfulness will always be a part in us human, hence we need to constantly remind ourselves of our purpose in life then we are able to retrack our path when we stray too far.

Good friends are hard to find..

There is an old saying "that it is easy to find friends that could share a laughter with you and joined you in your good times...but it is very difficult to find friends that are will to support and share your tears during your difficult moments". To me this is very true indeed. Even till this very day I could count a handful of friends that I think will be there to provide me the moral support or other means of support should I cross the bridge someday..

Anyway, this is a fact of life. We have to come to terms with it, this is how the world works...every man by himself. But those who act differently are the true human amongst the human, and these people are the diamonds from the glasses. To these few people in life...I salute you! I respect you! I wished I could also be like you! I pray for your every success for you & your loved ones..

New job, new spirit, new found fun!!!!

Today officially, we have moved to our office in Cyberjaya. After almost 6 weeks of training in KL, finally we are in our new office. The office is awesome! the interior designs are really fantastic!. I think the physical office F&F will create a very conducive positive working atmosphere.

With the new year in the Islamic calendar and the new year of the Gregorian coming just around the corner, I pray that my new job, package with new friends and colleagues, new office will bring a positive impact in my work & life balance.

I am very excited and looking forward to these new challenges ahead. I am very confident that I would be able to contribute as expected and hope will continue to stay chirpy and high spirit throughout this new journey! :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tahap/Peringkat Dosa

Dosa Tahap/Peringkat Pertama
Apabila seseorang melakukan dosa serta lambat bertaubat atas dosanya. Jika perbuatan dosa tersebut berterusan menajdi dosa tahap/peringkat kedua.

Dosa Tahap/Peringkat Kedua
Apabila seseorang melakukan dosa dan tidak merasai bersalah atau menyesal diatas perbuatannya.

Dosa Tahap/Peringkat Ketiga
Apabila seseorang melakukan dan berasa bangga dengan perbuatan dosanya.

Dosa Tahap/Peringkat Keempat
Apabila seseorang menjadi penegak atau pembela bagi perbuatan dosa dan membenci kebaikan serta kebajikan.

Kita yang tenggelam dalam mengejar kehidupan serta kesibukkan dunia, sering terlupa untuk merenung dan mengingati bahawa segala peraturan alam..kejadian laut yang pasang dan surut , kejadian siang dan malam, peredaran matahari dan bulan dan lain2 kejadian alam yang amat sempurna ini, tentunya ada penciptanya iaitu Allah. Kita lupa bahawa dunia ádalah tempat sementara untuk kita berbuat amal kebajikan mengumpul dan melabur sebanyak mungkin bagi saham syurga kita di akhirat nanti. Semoga kita semua termasuk di kalangan orang-orang yang bertaqwa disisi Allah.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Kembali ke Jalan Allah

Dalam program "Tanyalah Uztaz"

Kenapa kita gelisah..tak tenang sentiasa, adalah sebabnya kita tidak meletakkan Allah di dalam hati kita, sebagai kompas dalam kehidupan kita, jadi apa jua aktiviti kita, perbuatan kita, kita akan sering terasa gelisah, merasakan kekosongan di jiwa kita.

Contoh, jika kita pergi shopping, parking tak ada. Lalu kita double parking depan kereta orang lain. Kita teruskan shopping, namun sepanjang dua tiga shopping itu, sudah pasti hati kita tidak akan tenang kerana memikirkan kemungkinan kena saman, atau kena tarik kereta atau orang yang kita double park itu ingin keluar. Begitulah hakikatnya jika kita tidak meletakkan Allah segala-galanya dalam kehidupan kita.

Pintu taubat sentiasa terbuka selagi nyawa kita belum lagi dikhalkum. Kita manusia, sudah pasti sentiasa lupa..sentiasa lalai..sentiasa tertidur dalam kealpaan. Yang kita sering lupakan segeralah ingat-ingatkan..Yang kita ingatkan eloklah lupa-lupakan. Maksudnya jika kita lupa sembahyang, lupa taubat segeralah lakukan. Jika kita sentiasa ingatkan kekufuran, seperti ke clubbing, minum arak..elokkan tinggal-tinggalkan.

Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa hambamu yang dalam kelalaian ini, ampunilah hambamu yang hidup bergelumang dengan kekufuran, Ya Allah berikan hidayahMu, petunjukMU kepada kami Ya Allah..Ampunilah dosa kedua ibubapa kami..Ampunilah dosa kedua ibubapa kami..Ampunilah dosa kedua ibubapa kami..Ampunilah dosa saudara2 kami, ampunilah dosa seluruh muslimin dan muslimat.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hidayah Allah..

Hari ini, kebetulan terdengar diradio IKIM seorang mat saleh daripada negara pakcik sam, yang memeluk Islam sekitar 1995. Dia menceritakan salah satu karakter tentang dirinya adalah merupakan seorang yang amat devoted atau setia dan begitu menumpukan terhadap apa jua perkara yang menjadi amalan sehariannya. Sebelum memeluk Islam, dia terlibat dengan budaya berpesta bagi menghilangkan kebosanan dan tekanan hidup seharian.

Pada fikirannya, dengan cara tersebut dapat menenangkan dirinya. Namun dia tidak pernah merasa ketenangan dan berasa dirinya amat kosong..hollow. Lalu dia mula mencari dan menyelidik/mengkaji setiap jenis agama yang ada di negaranya, malah membeli buku-buku berkaitan dengan agama2 tersebut. Namun dia berasa tidak puas, kemudian dia pergi ke rumah ibadat agama asalnya lalu berdoa meminta seraya berkata " Dear God, I know you exist as I am here, you have made me but I do not know who you are, I do not know your name, but I asked for you to show me the truth"

Pada malam tersebut, dia bermimpi..yang dia sedang bersujud di atas kain sejadah dan terdapat Al-Quran di sebelah sejadah tersebut, ketika itu dengan suara yang jelas dia mendengar kalimah syahadah sedang berkumandang. Dia dapat tahu itu adalah agama Islam kerana pernah terlihat cara orang Islam bersembahyang. Sejak itu dirinya berasa semakin tenang dan dia memeluk Islam dan melafazkan syahadah.

Ibunya apabila mengetahui anaknya itu telah memeluk Islam, dia berasa amat risau dan takut, lalu dia membeli buku2 tentang Islam dengan niat untuk mencari kelemahan2 dalam Islam lalu cuba memujuk anaknya kembali ke agama asalnya. Namun setelah setahun membaca, salah satu tajuk dalam Islam, mengisahkan tentang kejadian bayi daripada kejadian roh sehingga pembentukkan bayi. Ibunya amat takjub dan menyatakan padanya bahawa ini bukannya daripada karya atau ciptaan manusia, ia datangnya daripada Tuhan, kerana penceritaannya begitu terperinci dan perkara ini telah diceritakan sebelum zaman kemodenan sains barat.

Ibunya berkata dia mendapati anaknya semakin terurus dan mukanya bercahaya, teruskanlah bersama Islam wahai anakku. Tidak lama kemudiannya ibunya pun memeluk Islam bersama ayah tiri beliau. Anaknya kini merupakan seorang imam di salah masjid di negara pakcik sam.

Saya merasakan amat malu terhadap diri ini betapa jahilnya saya dan longgarnya keimanan saya sedangkan Islam adalah agama yang diwarisi bergenerasi lamanya, tetapi saya tidak menghayati dan mengkaji tentang Islam. Semoga peristiwa ini menjadi pengajaran dan peringatan terhadap diri saya.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Amal yang soleh..

Sempat tengok Program Halaqah di TV9 malam tadi,tapi dah sampai penghujung..Penceramah bebas iaitu Dr Danial Zainal Abidin, sambil dalam keadaan sedu membuat kesimpulan/pesanan bahawa kita perlulah melaksanakan amal soleh yang sempurna dengan dua perkara, iaitu dengan hati yang tulus ikhlas dan mengikut syariat Islam.

Dan apabila amal soleh itu sempurna, nescaya Allah berikan kepada hambaNya tiga perkara:

1) Pahala
2) Hilang rasa ketakutan
3) HIlang rasa duka cita

Sungguh tenang hati insan2 yang memenuhi kriteria2 tersebut. Ya Allah semoga hambamu yang hina ini juga tergolong dalam kategori ini.AMIN

Saturday, June 4, 2011

My son sufferred a second attack of Status epilepticus

Status epilepticus (SE) is a life-threatening condition in which the brain is in a state of persistent seizure. Definitions vary, but traditionally it is defined as one continuous unremitting seizure lasting longer than 30 minutes, or recurrent seizures without regaining consciousness between seizures for greater than 30 minutes (or shorter with medical intervention). It is always considered a medical emergency. There is some evidence that 5 minutes is sufficient to damage neurons and that seizures are unlikely to self-terminate by that time. First aid guidelines for seizures state that, as a rule, an ambulance should be called for seizures lasting longer than 5 minutes (if this is the patient's first seizure episode and there were no known precipitating factors, or if SE happens to an epileptic whose seizures were previously absent or well-controlled for a considerable time period, then that step can be taken before that point).The mortality rate of status epilepticus is very high (at least 20%), especially if treatment is not initiated quickly. However, with optimal neurological care and a good prognosis, the patient (even some people who have been diagnosed with epilepsy) in otherwise good health can survive with minimal or no brain damage, and can even avoid future seizures.

This was the second deadly attack he had suffered. Thank god, it happened in a town where medical assistance is within 5 minutes reach. Faris has been on epilepsy medication for more than 5 years, and in the last 3 years he had not suffered any epilepsy attack, that was why his neurologist advised to reduce the dosage and ultimately stop the medication. The phase out dosage schedule took six months without any problem. Hence we thought he is finally out of the woods, if not totally but at least 90% free from epilepsy (minimal attack).

Just when we thought the worst was over, not even three days free from his epilepsy medication, he had the worst epilepsy attack ever. Words can't never describe how afraid we were at the point of losing him, it was the same feeling we had when he was in critical condition after his open heart surgery (VSD closure) at IJN. Alhamdullillah, he survived again. though we might not know how bad the damage had caused to his brain cells in the long run, but we felt very relief that he is able to recognized us and seems to be his usual self.

The scary part now, is to wait until he is 100% stable before we plan our journey back to Kuala Lumpur and review his condition again with his neurologist. Our prayers may Faris will always stay strong and healthy.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Syurga itu di bawah telapak kaki ibu

Hadis Riwayat Abu Hurairah yang bermaksud:

Seorang lelaki telah datang kepada Rasulullah saw Dia berkata; "Ya Rasulullah, siapakah orang yang paling baik aku dampingi?"

Rasulullah saw menjawab: "Ibu mu. Dia berkata lagi; "selepas itu siapa?" Rasulullah saw menjawab: "Ibu kamu." Dia masih bertanya lagi: "Siapa?" Rasulullah saw menjawab lagi: "Ibu kamu." orang lelaki itu bertanya lagi, "Selepas itu siapa?" Rasulullah saw menjawab Bapa kamu".

Mengapa perlunya supaya lebih menyayangi ibu kita daripada bapa?. Sebabnya ialah kerana besarnya jasa serta pengorbanan seorang ibu itu terhadap anaknya. Ibulah yang mengandungkan bayi, melahirkan, menyusu, mengasuh, membesarkan hingga mendidik dan dicukupi segala keperluan kita dengan secara ikhlas. Betapa besarnya jasa yang dapat kita berikan kepada ibu kita, namun belum tentu kita dapat menyamai jasa dan pengorbanan yang diberikan oleh seorang ibu.!

Terpikir aku sejenak..masa zaman kanak-kanak lebih mudah meluahkan rasa sayang dan kasih kita pada ibu..bila remaja..itu la masa yg paling rasanya byk menyusahkan ibu..malah mungkin byk melukakan hati ibu..skrg bila dewasa serta mempunyai keluarga sendiri..barulah aku sedari betapa terlalu besarnya pengorbanan seorang ibu..

Selamat Hari Ibu!! kepada Mak dan juga isteriku.

Al-Fatihah untuk Cik..

Friday, March 18, 2011

Today is Faris 11th birthday!!!

Alhamdullillah..syukur dah 11 tahun umur anak sulungku Muhammad Faris Irfan..

Jadual sempena hari jadi :

a) Big Break fast @ McD 9:30am
b) Fun & Joy @ Play Land
c) Lunch @ Pizza Hut
d) Baloons fun " orange baloons "
e) Shoppin hadiah on the spot
f) Fun & Play again!! @ another play land
g) Closing - roti canai @ mamak - penat dah..sampai rumah pukul 9:30 pm

Semoga Allah sentiasa memudahkan segala keperluan Faris, semoga Faris semakin independent and strong, semoga Faris sentiasa sihat!! chirpy!! smiling and laughing!! always, semoga Allah mudahkan and murahkan rezeki Faris, semoga Faris sentiasa dikelilingi oleh insan- insan yang menyayangi dan membantu Faris. AMIN..

Hope you had loads of fun today big boy!! we love you very very much.

Friday, January 21, 2011

12th year anniversary

Do you still recall how we first met?
Back then we used the 'middle agent' instead of internet
You captured my heart
Right from the start
With your sweet, warmth and caring heart.

Sometimes I wonder of the other better guys who were more ahead
Why you accepted me instead
For I am not rich..not tall..not smart..just an average head
But wait! hmmm...maybe my charm magnetized you..for without it you'll get heartache!

I count my blessings and thanks to Allah.
For having my soul partner as perfect and pretty as you.
You are my pillar of strength whenever I crack and break
You give me hope, strength and courage whenever I am in wreck

Twelve years of marriage..still seems like yesterday.
Come Hell or High never forsake nor turn astray
Many times in our journey, the road was never a straight Hi-way
But yet you have always been my faithful co-driver ready to pull my ears whenever I slipped away!

Thank you for being the world's best mama to Faris & Fatin
Thank you for being my best friend, my other half, my wife cum my sleeping partner
Sorry dear! I can't give you a Merc..or a Bungalow like some Datuks..
Just this simple..and (cost free!) poem to wish you Happy 12th year Anniversary!!

23rd Jan 1999